
Customer Testimonials

We’re always seeking feedback from our customers. If you have any comments about the service we provided, please let us know! If you received outstanding service or were impressed with our technicians, you can help us grow our business by leaving a review on Google, Kudzu, or Angie’s List!

Boris was on time, knowledgeable, fast, professional, and thorough. He diagnosed the problem remotely based on our model # and came prepared with the part he suspected to be faulty. Our fix required 2 visits on the same day and he honored his commitment to fix the problem by sticking with it. I respect his work ethic and experience.

— Lauren Wall | Charlotte
Review Source: Google+

My refrigerator stopped working one day. I called ASAP and they sent a technician within a couple hours. Boris was very professional and gave me some advises in a future.I was so pleased with the service. Thank you ASAP!

— Morgan R | Charlotte
Review Source: Kudzu

Fixed my refrigerator in the same day. Quick service. I’m really happy with the repair. Thank you.

— Harold B | Charlotte
Review Source: Merchant Circle